i. Admission into the University shall be open to all irrespective of religion, ethnic group, gender, creed and disability.
ii. Those who meet the requirements for admission will be subjected to interview to be conducted by the University.
iii. Admission into 200 level will only commence in the third year of the University's existence.
iv. The University will as much as possible avoid transfer students. Consequently, there will be no transfer students until after the third level of the first set of students.
v. Prospective students would need to satisfy the following general requirements before they are offered admission into the University
vi. All admissions into the University shall be through the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB).

For admission through 100 level (UME), candidates must:
i. Obtain five(5) credits at SSCE (or equivalent) in relevant subjects at not more than 2 sitings;
ii. Score a minimum of 160 points in UME in relevant subjects.
iii. For admission to 200 level (direct entry), candidates should (in addition to SSCE credits as in (a) in above), obtain at least two (2) A level (or its equivalent) passes in relevant subjects, or posses NCE, OND or ATS with credit passes, or posses a good first degree in another field as the case may be.
iv. Credit passes in both English Language and Mathematics are compulsory for admission into any course in the University.
v. In addition to the above general requirements, prospective students must satisfy college/department
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College of Natural and Applied Sciences
College of Management and Social Sciences
College of Medical and Health Sciences
College of Law
College of Computing and Telecommunications
Biological Sciences
Accounting (B.Sc.)
Biological Sciences
Business Administration
Computer Sciences
Intelligence and Security Studies
Mass Communication
Political Science
Public and Community Health
Medical Laboratory Science
Law (LL.B)
Nursing (B.N.Sc.)
Doctor of Pharmacy
Industrial Chemistry
Energy and Petroleum Studies
Public Administration
Telecommunications Technology
Software Engineering
Cyber Security
Information Systems
Information Technology